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Writer's pictureSeema Lalwani

First Time Mom Gyan…

Becoming a first time mom can be both daunting and exciting experience.

I wish someone I knew would have informed me that I’m not going to know everything…ever and that’s okay. Your  kids won’t expect  you to be perfect, but they will expect love and mothers have that in tons. The most important asset you have as a mother is your intuition. And when I got the news I am pregnant I knew I am going to be the best mother for my baby. The journey was not a smooth ride as due to some complications in first trimester, had to leave my job as it involved lot of traveling time. I was clueless what I will do sitting at home which I was not used to, had so many questions in my mind and no one to answer. Even family was not nearby but they were worried too. Almost all questions were answered by Google and YouTube but still first hand experience is different.

I being travel freak person was not able to sit at one place without work and travelling. I was all alone (husband was far away) sitting at my mom’s place and use to feel helpless and eagerly waiting for this baby to pop out, so that I can be free and go back to my world. Shopping started for the tinny feets and everything bought by my parents was in PINK co-incidentally as we never knew whether  it was girl or boy but shops we went had no other color for items we liked except pink (I would say, God’s way of conveying us It’s a GIRL yeeee). And the day arrived 22 days in advance when my munchkin baby Swara was born.

She gave me though time to come out as 24hours in labour was not a joke. Exhausted me was pleading Dr./mother/ husband to just cut me apart and get this baby out. But they all were together and reassuring me things will be fine and I CAN DO IT. Even after baby is born journey is not easy for a mother as you are totally new to that relationship and that human being born out of you is also new to this world which needs at most care plus you have hundred of relatives visiting you and your baby. When you both are adjusting with each other you have this world giving you 10 different advises each moment and you are confused which one is right and which to follow. Trust me when I was confused by this I used to Google it and listen to my instincts and make decisions. You should have confidence in your ability to be a mother to your own child. There is no perfect way of doing things and there’s certainly no such thing as a perfect parent. Love your child be kind to yourself and it will be okay.  A new mom is a magnet to unsolicited advice by people; however, this happens at a very vulnerable time and can result in confusion, stress and overwhelm.

I had my ups and downs after bringing her home, where I was barely able to move as my body had gone through hell to bring human being  on this earth, I had to select name for my daughter as naming ceremony happens on 6th day, with all the advises my mind stopped working. But it was important for me to select beautiful name for her otherwise she may curse me whole life for strange name, as I do because I don’t like my name :p The real challenge began after we came back to Delhi where me and my husband were two confused parents handling one active and colicy baby Swara (two months that time). But we realized parenting is not only about diaper change, sleepless nights, washing dirty clothes, burping baby etc its more than that. Its about love you have for each other and your baby which grows each passing day and your baby grows without any major drawbacks in this beautiful nest. Its also about handling responsibilities and respecting each other’s time. I won’t say it’s a cake walk, but you can try eating cakes on the way and keep parenting going 😉

I do ask my husband if he ever felt that I was depressed and low after baby was born. He says “off course you were depressed I have felt that you cry over unnecessary things and act silly, sometimes too quite” This is bound to happen ladies…don’t worry that’s called “POST-PARTUM BLUES” and you will overcome this soon with the help of your family and friends. Once in while take break from motherhood and enjoy 1-2 hour Mee-time and ask your caregiver or family member to take care of your munchkin. Take your baby out for shopping let the baby get use to surroundings. I can’t stress more on how important it is to get out of the house every single day even when it seems easier just to stay at home. As we both (my husband & me) found that our days lost its charm when dealing with the schedule of a newborn, so a little sunshine is so great for a mom’s mood.  Also speak to yourself as little self encouragement is also important.

Enjoy every single moment. It goes by so quickly. Capture with pictures and videos. Don’t sweat over small stuff and just embrace each moment. This too shall pass!


First time mom 🙂

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